Saturday, December 20, 2014

One Year

One year ago today my life changed forever. Rob and I have been separated for one year. One whole year. Eternity... yet the blink of an eye.

I still have so many emotions going on inside (and outside). I have learned and grown so incredibly much this past year and have done things I never thought I would have the strength to do. God has proven Himself to me over and over. Yet I am still so fragile and weak at times.

The future still seems overwhelming and scary to me but I have peace and calm in my heart at the same time.

I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers. Now and always. I am still so overwhelmed and humbled with the love and support I have received from friends near and far.

1 comment:

  1. You have come so far in one short year. I am so PROUD of you. You are an AMZING and STRONG women and mother. Your children are very Blessed to have such a DEVOTED mother to take care of them. God is right beside you and I know you know that. I love you very much.
