Sunday, April 26, 2015


I have been thinking about writing this post for a long time, but just haven't been able to bring myself to do it. For some reason putting it in writing makes it seem even more real.
The divorce is final.

The last 16 months have been the hardest of my entire life. I have never experienced so much pain, and I hope I don't ever again. In a sense, it seems like the end of the road. But really I feel like this is just the beginning. People have asked how I feel about the divorce being final, and I am not really sure how to put it into words. On one hand, it is somewhat relieving to have some closure. Yet I still just don't want to be in this place and my heart aches so much. I feel like I am being forced to leave so many dreams behind me. This is just so far from what I ever hoped for for my family. It just really stinks.

That being said, every day I feel like I get my feet a little more firmly planted and I have been given such peace. A peace that surely can only come from God. He has truly sustained me. And I feel so empowered in many ways. 

A very dear friend of mine said the most amazing thing when I told her the divorce was final. I'm not sure that I have ever been so profoundly impacted by words. She said, "You are God's child. You are loved beyond measure. You are an amazing mother. You are one of the strongest women I know and admire. You, Kerry are my dear friend who cannot by confined by any title." It is so easy to forget those things. The most important thing to me is to be God's child and that can never be taken away from me. Even though there is so much pain and so much hurt I know I am loved so deeply by Him. I could never understand the depths of His love. I think about how much I love my children. So much that it hurts sometimes. And He loves me even more than that. I just can not wrap my head around it. And that is what I have been choosing to focus on. 

And I know that the enemy wants nothing more than for me to forget all of that. He doesn't want me to get through this and come out still praising God. But lucky for me my God is bigger and has provided for me in so many ways.

There's a song that I love. It's my new theme song. It's by for King and Country and it's called "It's Not Over Yet." The parts that I love the most say this:

They are inside your head
You got a voice that says
You won't get past this one
You won't win your freedom....

You're bruised and beaten
And you feel defeated

To everyone who's hit their limit
It's not over yet
And even when you think you're finished
It's not over yet...

It's time to put it in your past...

It's redemption season...

This is my redemption season. Because I am already redeemed by the One who matters most. So I can keep taking one step at a time and trusting that He is going to bless me in ways that I didn't know possible. And He already is. I have seen His hand on so many little things over the past few months. I have watched things unfold that can only be His handiwork. And I am so grateful.

This life is not what matters most. It's not over yet. And it never will be on this earth. So I will do the best I can to praise Him and be thankful for the thousands upon thousands of blessings that I have. But I can always keep in mind the rewards that are waiting for me when I get to the other side -- especially when I am feeling bruised and beaten. 

Here's the song if you want to listen to it on YouTube (its SO GOOD!):

Monday, February 9, 2015

So Much Change

It has been brought to my attention - by numerous people - that I have not updated the world with what has been going on. :)

Things have been crazy and busy and awesome and terrifying and great all at the same time.

I wish I had more time, but a quick update will have to do.

In short - God has been SO good to me. He is providing for me in so many ways and I am feeling so strong and empowered and safe both in my relationship with Him and in life in general.

For about ten months after our separation, I felt like I was in a deep dark pit, and things just kept getting worse and worse. I even shared this feeling multiple times in my DivorceCare class. I just felt like there was no way out of this darkness and it would be so long before I started on my way 'up' again. I also often used the analogy of being out on the water, in the midst of a storm, and keeping my eyes on Jesus because without Him I would just sink. Just like when Peter went out and walked on the water.

I thought that eventually I would feel a gradual shift. When one day things would start to look up again. But that really didn't happen. Instead, it seemed like I woke up one day (not sure what day that was) and things were awesome. I just felt so different. God just kept putting things in my path and I LOVE seeing His handprint all over the place. I have such a clear promise from Him through these handprints that show that He has got me covered.

The divorce stuff is definitely not awesome. It's so stinking hard. There are so many elements to it. And I think one day I will be able to open up more about that.

But for now, I am so excited to see what else God has in store for me and my two biggest blessings.

Thanks for caring, friends!